LUXE WEAVERS Modern Abstract Indoor Blue 5×7 Area Rug

    Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
    UNIQUE ABSTRACT PATTERNS: This 5×7 area rug suits both traditional and contemporary décor styles. Its distressed abstract patterns are sophisticated and intricately designed to complement different living room, dining room and bedroom furniture.
    PERFECT PILE HEIGHT: This premium area rug 5×7 has a medium pile height that offers the right amount of foot cushioning. Still, it is low enough to allow for free movement of heavy objects in your living room. Besides being a large rug for living rooms, its pile height comforts your feet as you move around and protects your hardwood floors.

    Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
    UNIQUE ABSTRACT PATTERNS: This 5×7 area rug suits both traditional and recent décor styles. Its distressed abstract patterns are sophisticated and intricately designed to complement different living room, dining room and bedroom furniture.
    PERFECT PILE HEIGHT: This premium area rug 5×7 has a medium pile height that offers the correct amount of foot cushioning. Still, It’s low enough to allow for free movement of heavy objects in your living room. But even so being a big rug for living rooms, its pile height comforts your feet as you move around and protects your hardwood floors.
    EASY CARE: This 5×7 area rug is somewhat easy to clean. Spot-cleaning or vacuuming with a no beater bar every now and then is sufficient to keep it in a pristine condition. Feel confident to use this rug in your entryway, foyer or as kitchen runner.
    AFFORDABLE LUXURY RUG: This premium abstract rug 5×7 beautifies any sitting room, dining room, and bedroom, adding a touch of luxury and class. It’s creatively crafted and in a position to complement other accessories in your house.
