LUXE WEAVERS Kingsbury Abstract Gray Modern 5×7 Area Rug

    Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2.4 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
    NON-SHEDDING: Made in Turkey. Machine-woven from 100% polypropylene. Durable jute backing.
    STAIN RESISTANT: Easy to clean, stain-resistant rugs that do not retain dirt or dust. Soft fibers that are safe for kids and pet friendly.

    Actual Dimension: 5 feet 2.4 inches width by 7 feet 2 inches length
    NON-SHEDDING: Made in Turkey. Machine-woven from 100% polypropylene. Durable jute backing.
    STAIN RESISTANT: Easy to wash, stain-resistant rugs that don’t retain dirt or dust. Soft fibers which are protected for kids and pet friendly.
    GREAT RUG PILE: Up to date indoor rug has a 0.5-inch pile thickness to offer a comfortable cushion under your feet. Colors and rug dimensions might vary.
    QUICK CLEAN: Dirt-resistant rugs are easy to deal with. Frivolously vacuum with out a beater bar or spot-clean with a gentle carpet cleaner solution.
