LUXE WEAVERS Ivory Gold 8×10 Marble Abstract Area Rug

    Actual Dimension of 8×10 rug: 7 feet 8.25 inches width by 10 feet 0.25 inches length. Measures 7’8.25” x 10’0.25”. Based on where you are standing, highlights and colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.
    Non-Shedding: Color palette of ivory, white, shiny metallic gold, light gray, and charcoal. Warm LED bulbs add a yellow tint visually. Cool or white LED bulbs make rug appear lighter. Non-shedding indoor rugs made in Turkey. Durable jute backing.
    Stain Resistant: Easy to clean, stain-resistant rugs that do not retain dirt or dust. Soft fibers that are safe for kids and pet friendly. Striking marble patterns for contemporary, Scandinavian, or modern farmhouse home décor styles.

    Actual Dimension of 8×10 rug: 7 feet 8.25 inches width by 10 feet 0.25 inches length. Measures 7’8.25” x 10’0.25”. In accordance with where you are standing, highlights and colors may appear darker, lighter, or muted. Brush the fibers with your hand in one direction for your desired effect.
    Non-Shedding: Color palette of ivory, white, shiny metallic gold, light gray, and charcoal. Warm LED bulbs add a yellow tint visually. Cool or white LED bulbs make rug appear lighter. Non-shedding indoor rugs made in Turkey. Durable jute backing.
    Stain Resistant: Easy to clean, stain-resistant rugs that don’t retain dirt or dust. Soft fibers that are secure for kids and pet friendly. Striking marble patterns for latest, Scandinavian, or Brand new farmhouse home décor styles.
    Great Rug Pile: Brand new indoor rug has a 0.5-inch pile thickness to give a comfortable cushion under your feet. Machine-woven from 100% polypropylene. Dirt-resistant rugs are easy to handle. Flippantly vacuum with no beater bar or spot-clean with a gentle carpet cleaner solution.
    Easy Maintenance: If your rug has ripples, unroll it, then reverse roll it tightly in order that the design faces outward for 1 to 2 days. Lay rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to chill out.
